.minerva (%VERSION%.%BUILD%)

.minerva's logo, a cartoon cloud

.minerva is a Flash Local Shared Object editor built based on the AMF3 specification and the AMF0 specification.

.minerva is capable of reading and writing all known data types successfully. I do not plan on supporting older browsers unless it's a trivial change. Any issues please click on the support button at the top. Below are links to the legacy Adobe AIR version. These are here for those who still wish to use the discontinued AIR version.



4.3.5 - 2020-5-10
    - Updated AMF links
    - Updated download links

4.3.4 - 2020-4-5
    - Add timestamp to file names to bust CDN cache
    - Improve build script to update version automatically

4.3.3 - 2020-4-5
    - Fixed issue #83

4.3.2 - 2018-8-17
	- Fixed issue #79

4.3.1 - 2018-8-17
	- Fixed issue #78: Object reference order error

4.3.0 - 2018-8-8
	- Fixed issue #80: Updated to modern PWA

4.2.2 - 2018-8-8
	- Fixed issue #77: Fixed CDN links

4.2.1 - 2018-1-31
	- Fixed issue #74

 4.2.0 - 2018-1-26
    - Updated Chrome warning to not apply to v56 and update
	- Changed image sizes to match their use
	- Changed build process from ANT to npm/Gulp
	- Removed app-cache to begin dev of service-worker
	- Fixed issue #66
	- Fixed issue #70
	- Fixed issue #71
	- Fixed issue #72

 4.1.4 - 2017-2-17 - Firefox 38/Chrome43
    - Changed root domain from apps.coursevector.com to mariani.life
    - Changed cdn.coursevector.com to HTTPS

 4.1.3 - 2015-5-27 - Firefox 38/Chrome43
    - Fixed reliability of sort checkbox saving
    - Fixed JSON export of objects for real this time

 4.1.2 - 2015-5-15 - Firefox 38/Chrome42
    - Fixed issue #60, memory leak on complex files
    - Fixed JSON export of objects

 4.1.1 - 2015-1-10 - Firefox 34/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #56, UTF-8 write length calculation was incorrect
    - Added ability to toggle sidebar sort to make files as close to original as possible

 4.1.0 - 2015-1-7 - Firefox 34/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #53 and #37, New SOL data tag discovered
    - Fixed issue #55, UTF-8 encoding/decoding improved/fixed

 4.0.4 - 2014-12-16 - Firefox 34/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #52, AS3 dictionary not writing properly
    - Moved to Amazon CDN

 4.0.3 - 2014-11-22 - Firefox 33/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #50, fixed can't save boolean
    - Fixed issue #51, fixed boolean values not saving

 4.0.2 - 2014-11-13 - Firefox 33/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #49, fixed can't enter a negative number

 4.0.1 - 2014-10-31 - Firefox 33/Chrome39
    - Fixed issue #48-1, fixed can't enter keypad zero in number values
    - Fixed issue #48-2, allow switch between integer/number data types based on value
    - Fixed issue #48-3, fixed can't rename objects in Chrome
    - Fixed issue #48-3, fixed can't rename array/ecma array indices
    - Fixed issue #48-4, fixed can't use shortcut keys in tree sidebar
    - Fixed issue #48-5, fixed boolean doesn't save value

 4.0.0 - 2014-10-26 - Firefox 33/Chrome39
    - Added create new file
    - Added offline mode (application cache)
    - Patched issue #44, save produces empty file (Chrome x64 bug)
    - Fixed issue #45, saving file mangles the code
    - Fixed issue #47, import not working
    - Fixed array index numbering when removing items
    - Fixed file saving of complex files (reference tables)
    - Added saving modal
    - Added ability to Pin site in IE9+
    - Added validation for creating new obejcts without a valid name
    - Added better error handling on file save failure
    - Added changelog to about window

 4.0.0b - 2014-09-19 - Firefox 32/Chrome38
    - Can now search in object tree structure
    - Improved support for AS2 LongStrings
    - Improved support for AS3 Dictionaries
    - Improved support for AS3 Vectors
    - Inflate/Deflate ByteArray in display
    - ZLib uncompress/compress ByteArray in display
    - LZMA uncompress/compress ByteArray in display
    - Import/Export ByteArray
    - Date displays information relative to today
    - XML has added validation
    - HTML encode/decode String in display
    - URL encode/decode String in display
    - Base64 encode/decode String in display
    - Hex encode/decode String in display
    - Binary encode/decode String in display
    - Added JSON import
    - Now online for your web browser!
    - Command line interface removed for obvious reasons
    - Javascript formatter removed since you can just navigate to jsbeautifier.com just as easily

 3.5.0 - 2012-12-22 - Adobe AIR 3.1
    - Allow ByteArrays to be deflated/inflated in viewer
    - Display UTFBytes of ByteArray
    - Added read/write support for Vectors

 3.4.0 - 2012-12-22 - Adobe AIR 3.1
	- Fixed issue #27, Error on integer update
	- Fixed issue #28, Sort by Data Type, Name
	- Fixed issue #30, Empty object arrays after export
	- Fixed issue #31, int overflow

 3.3.4 - 2012-04-19 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed issue #24, error opening and saving Hands of War 2 : Expanded Edition
    - Updated to AIR 2.5 namespace

 3.3.3 - 2012-04-16 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed issue #22, sort variable labels alphanumerically
    - Fixed issue #23, error handling foreign languages

 3.3.2 - 2012-01-25 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed issue #-, exported JSON broken when used via command flags
    - Fixed issue #21, booleans not being saved properly

 3.3.1 - 2011-10-17 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed issue #11, exported JSON not appearing in selected directory
	- Fixed issue #14, when selecting window after losing focus, root item is selected automatically
	- Fixed issue #15, sol saving incorrectly
	- Fixed issue #16, sol saving incorrectly
	- Fixed issue #17, sol saving incorrectly
	- Fixed issue #18, item label appearing doubled
	- Added issue #19, ability to delete items (provided parent node is visible in the scroll box)

 3.3.0 - 2011-03-27 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Switched to Flex Updater Framework
    - Fixed object type bug
    - Added JSON file export
    - Added JSON command line export
    - Added null/undefined data type change

 3.2.6 - 2011-02-26 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed reading and writing Flex objects (ObjectProxy bug)
    - Updated JS Beautifier

 3.2.5 - 2011-02-21 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed AMF0 and AMF3 reference bug (caused the missing data issues)

 3.2.4 - 2010-08-24 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed writing XML bug
    - Fixed AMF reading bug
    - Fixed a few typos
    - Improved AMF reading (clientId, messageId, correlationsIds are now correct)

 3.2.3 - 2010-06-11 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed drag-n-drop feature
    - Fixed open with .minerva

 3.2.2 - 2010-05-18 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed object reference error
    - Added donate button to About window
    - Tweaked UI

 3.2.1 - 2010-03-30 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Removed redundant Flex components
    - Added filename to window title
    - Fixed Array lockup bug
    - Fixed SharedObject name save bug
    - Fixed SharedObject data save bug
    - Fixed Date save bug
    - Fixed associative Array save bug
    - Fixed editing variable names in inspector view
    - Handles -Null- correctly now
    - Handles -Unsupported- correctly now
    - AMF3 - Fixed ByteArray read bug
    - AMF3 - Fixed ByteArray write bug
    - AMF3 - Fixed ByteArray save bug
    - AMF3 - Fixed XMLDocument save bug
    - AMF3 - Can save files byte for byte the same as Flash IDE
    - AMF0 - Tweaked XMLDocument handling
    - AMF0 - Fixed null save bug
    - AMF0 - Fixed Arrays, now always saved as ECMAArray
    - AMF0 - Handles -Unsupported- correctly now
    - AMF0 - Can save files byte for byte the same as Flash IDE

 3.2.0 - 2010-03-18 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Added Sort dropdown - SharedObject can now be sorted by type or name
    - Fixed "Save" bug - Hitting File->Save now works
    - Fixed tooltip positioning bug
    - Fixed AMF0 custom object bug
    - Fixed AMF3 save bug
    - Updated JS formatter
    - Updated UI to match .whistler
    - Added Refresh button to reload a SharedObject
    - Added ability to parse AMF files saved from AMFExplorer or Flashbug

 3.1.0 - 2010-01-22 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Fixed saving bug
    - Added file type association
    - Filetype icon
    - Alerts when any errors occur

 3.0.0 - 2010-01-07 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Edit SOL Files - Now supports saving edits of an SOL file!
    - Added new color theme
    - Updated JS formatter engine
    - Updated About Window

 2.0.1 - 2009-05-26 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Updated AMF0 support of custom typed objects.
    - Added drag and drop support for opening files
    - Updated About window

 2.0.0 - 2008-08-08 - Adobe AIR 1.5
    - Complete internal overhaul
    - Support for AS3 (AMF3) Shared Objects finally
    - Updated support for AMF0

 1.6.0 - 2008-07-22 - Adobe AIR 1.0
    - Smoothed images
	- Embedded fonts for smooth text
	- Restructured internal code
	- Updated installed program name

 1.5.1 - 2008-07-15 - Adobe AIR 1.0
    - Improved auto updater

 1.5.0 - ? - Adobe AIR 1.0
    - Added auto updated
	- Added about window
	- No more status bar

 1.1.0 - ? - Adobe AIR 1.0
    - Updated for Adobe AIR 1.0

 1.1.0 - ? - Adobe AIR B3
    - Added JavaScript code formatter. Updated About window with logo.

 1.0.0 - ? - Adobe AIR B3
    - Initial release. Support for AS2 (AMF0) Shared Objects.

New File

Select AMF version

Open File


Saving File

looping loading graphic

Import Binary


Import JSON

Create Item


Enter in the name for the new variable here. If creating a new entry in a Dictionary, you can enter valid JSON.


Enter in the value for the new variable here. This must be valid JSON. Example data:

  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Number
  • Array
  • String
    "Hello World"
  • Date
    "2011-10-10T14:48:00" Ref
  • Object

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